Anyone seen Emma any reviews or comments
The Majority of ads with an onlyfans link is online content only and not escorting. The fact NZG allows these girls to mask the ad as escorting to suck punters into their onlyfans is fucking deplorable. The give aways are these are young girls hot as fuck who ain’t ever gonna fuck us old dudes. The joke is only fans has detection AI with messaging that you can’t ask for escort services, so never gonna happen.
I agree with your opinion but why they keep asking book them through only fans buy their bundles of videos $$$, it should straight forward it is.only online service and they shouldn't be posting on escortify
It's a scam then if they post ads on escortify redirecting to onlyfans and asking to buy video bundles for booking, and who knows that onlyfans page owns by male sitting in another country.
Like look at her photos. She’s barely 20, stunning body, there’s no way she’s an escort in ChCh especially not at $260 an hour. That’s your giveaway