Check out this crack head
any girl with tattoos on her face is a no for me.
Absolutely disgusting.
Depends how much you're offering.
In that facebook thread there's a link to an article about a stabbing in dunedin. check it out. oh dear.
Which punters though? Blind ones? Surely even a blind guy would have enough sense after hearing the way she speaks…
She is quite normal for the section of New Zealand society who are struggling in life.
Give it a rest! Are you her BF or something
No she is not normal at all, not Normal compared to most of NZ or most people on this forum (apart from you) Your attempt to make her out to be a product of New Zealand’s inter generational oppression does not justify her behaviour nor does it make her any brighter in anyone’s eyes. She made her bed
Never met the woman and never will.
Aggression? Like her FB video? Really not sure what your deal is