Interesting question

Interesting question


Jun 10, 2024
A recent visit to a SM I've visited on numerous occasions gave rise to an interesting question/discussion, she was telling me how she'd started seeing a guy but that when he discovered what she did for a living requested her to not do it any more which got me to thinking and wondering what I would do if I was in his position, I'm thinking I'd do the same as him, one of those moral dilemmas where you're damned if you do and damned if you don't, let's see what you all think. Would you accept your gf doing sm with numerous guys or insist it stops otherwise you can't carry on seeing her
If I felt the way he does, I wouldn't even ask her to not do it I'd just call it off. Even if she stops, he will always know what she had been doing and he'll never be comfortable with it. There is no way that ends with them living happily ever after. For the same reason, if I were her, knowing that he felt that way I'd give him the boot immediately.

If it were me though, if I really liked her, I could handle it. Might be different if she were doing full sex.
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Good points, definitely the full sex thing would change it entirely, although I'm wondering if the more you like someone the more difficult it gets to accept what she does for a living, having all of us punters with our hands all over her. I'll have to ask her for an update on my next visit, see what's happened.