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Request Exec Girls and Venus Room

Request Exec Girls and Venus Room
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The absolute fuck is wrong with you

You are paying to have sex with another human being

save your money for a sex doll if you don't like the idea someone you're paying for a service also has their own boundaries.

From your own written experience sounds like you were a pushy bitch through the whole experience.

Live and learn, don't like the fact she doesn't kiss? Don't book her again. I found this forum after seeing the thread on AF about this place but all the posts here are similar vein of airheads who can't comprehend providers being different from the pornos you watch while broke.

Get your heads out of your asses you shallow freaks wtf
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Oh well just shoot the messenger then.
Couple in this thread had same experience.
Wouldn't imagine playing with his cock or a hand job are too onerous chores for a sex worker don't you think.
Lady advertises GFE what is your interpretation of GFE ?
Maybe the feedback will be helpful for her going forward.
Your generalizations about the members on this forum was a little unwarranted aye.
I recommend having a look at ukpunting.com . They seem to have worked out how to give positive, negative and neutral reviews without generating a load of shit. There are exceptions, but by and large it seems to work. I travel there regularly and it's a useful source of information.

I wasn’t pushy. I asked for light kissing on the lips and handjob yet when I didn’t receive these I didn’t press it further.

I would edit down my post a bit to trim out details but bit hard if you gonna quote me.

If someone is being paid for a service, they need to be reasonable/realistic with their boundaries.

Imagine you went to a restaurant and paid for a steak meal, but it was brought out to you still uncooked in the meat tray, because the chef isn’t very good at cooking steak.
That chef obviously just shouldn’t be a chef.

Seems to me like you have some kind of allegiance as to why you defending the girl.
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Leaving reviews acting like the people you're hiring are disobedient pocket pussies is different to leaving reviews on provider behavior and attitudes. It can be done respectfully without the reviewer outing themselves as part of the problem with the booking.
GFE and meeting up with SWers is so up to interpretation and subjective to the people in the act, her GFE is not what he wanted. He could have said she didn't do kissing, or the positions he was hoping to try. Unfortunately this was overshadowed by him outing himself as a pushy cunt, judging by how he himself said once he 'finally' got the position he was wanting (and note, the position she was least comfortable with) that the basic trust to not shove his tongue down her throat was so broken that she literally covered her mouth with her hand.
He outed himself as a shallow freak, and if you are upset with how I view the members of this forum leaving similar reviews to this, guess what, you might just be one of the airheads I'm talking about.
Where is the feedback for her? What, she supposed to read the dogshit review about how all he wanted was to cum and she was getting in the way of him and her pussy? Get real 🤣
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imagine you compare a bad booking with a provider to a chef not cooking steak hahaha

you saw nothing wrong with your review, when you wrote it, that review comes from the way you think and view the people you book.
conspiracy all you want, if I replied to every gross and disrespectful thing I see on this website would that satisfy you? 🤣 and now I'll circle back to the airhead shallow freaks comment, because if it didn't fit you before you certainly showed it does now 😂
Ok sure mate. Whatever you say.
Perhaps I was just feeling over-zealous at that time but now it’s been a few days I agree I could have simplified it down.
Reviews for Kiwi providers which are critical it's par for the course for others to rally around and blame the customer. Adult Forum is littered with examples. But anyway do we assume that the lady in question usually provides the GFE services including FK as listed on the escortify profile ? But she didn't on this occasion because she didnt like the punter. Or is the Escortify profile blue sky thinking. ?
It must be a hard job sex work. Money is very good which is the upside but being intimate with people you are not attracted to isn't for the faint hearted. Sex worker friend of mine now retired says she hated it.
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You make some reasonable points, but you also need to take on board that the SW is the professional in the room, operating in her field of special skill and competence. It’s incumbent on her to ensure that her profile accurately represents the services she offers. In situations where she doesn’t wish to offer certain services - notwithstanding that she has no legal obligation to do so - common sense, and courtesy, would suggest proffering an explanation.

Obviously, substandard oral hygiene would be a legitimate reason to decline kissing, irrespective of what’s stated on her profile. I’m just floating that by way of example, and not implying it was pertinent in this case. Not providing a hand job prior to a CBJ, may have been hygiene protocol - that is not touching an uncovered penis with a hand which will then contact her vulval/vaginal areas.

The client/provider relationship should have the same aspects of professionalism, and mutual courtesy, as any other client/professional relationship out there in the muggle world.